Inspire The Next Generation
Play It Forward has been honored to touch hundreds of lives this year, through the thoughtful donations of instruments and sponsorships and we would like to take a moment to celebrate the families, schools, churches and music outreach programs that are keeping music alive for our youth. We are so proud to support them through your generous donations of instruments and giving.
We are now working towards building a scholarship fund that will provide musical instruments and scholarships for music lessons tied together, offering students with desire and talent, but no financial means, to finally have the music lessons that have only lived in their dreams.
As we continue to give the gift of music to our community, we see students thrive and music programs grow and we invite you to partner with us. Your generous donations of instruments and scholarship funds will go to help countless students in ways that we can only imagine.
Music has the power to change the life of one child, that we all know. But the power to create goes far beyond the development of one individual student. It ripples out into the community spreading itself without limitation, for music is a respecter of no person. And that may be its greatest power, that its boundaries are indeed limitless.
Flute For Ella
Photo on right is of Ella at her first middle school band recital. She and her brother were adopted out of foster care by their grandparents almost a year ago. Ella just started middle school last fall and very
much wanted to be in band. Because of the family situation her grandparents are both disabled, and there are five people living in their 800 square foot home, Ella’s grandparents couldn’t afford instrumentrental or purchase and we had a flute that was looking for a good home. Ella is now thriving in her school’s band with her very own
flute. She is so proud of owning her own instrument, it is one of her very prized possessions.

For Mollala High School
2009 like new Boston Grand
Piano donated to Molalla High
School Band. The donor also
gifted $1500 to purchase a cover
for the piano and a piano dolly so
that it can be moved about the school.

Our Own baby Grand !!
Two little girls with oodles of talent, musical grandparents,
and no money for a
piano. They now receive scholarship lessons with
Ashlee Young and will play for
donors at the Ten Grands Gala.

Beautiful upright Kawaii (right)
donated to a Seattle family. The search for a local piano teacher connected us to Classic Piano Co. who was impressed by Play It Forward and connected us to the owner of the Boston that went to Mollala High School Band and then the Rawlings that went to Molalla High School Choir.

2006 Rawlings 7’
Grand Piano donated March 2017
to Molalla High School Choir.

Two Fender electric guitars came in from this nice couple and we have already placed them with two Foster kids that are sisters...